Thursday, June 26, 2014

Joel Shapiro's Memory of Ruth

Memory of Ruth
Joel Shapiro (son of Maurice Shapiro)

Holding Ruth's memorial at a "spiritual life center" is just right, for hers was indeed a spiritual life  Not in the sense of being doctrinaire, sectarian or other-worldly. She was anything but.  It was the human spirit that mattered to her -- connecting with the core of goodness that survives every disappointment and adversity.  Ruth had more than her share of those things, but it did not stop her from being the positive person she was.  

The Shapiro family joins in mourning Ruth and celebrating her life  -- her energy and determination, her passion for justice, her continual desire to make a difference for the better.  We are thankful for the love she shared with us and, especially, the good times she and Maury were able to share with one another.  

May her memory always be a blessing.

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